Dogs Around the World: International Breeds Rare in Australia

31 July 2024

From the majestic steppes of Central Asia to the bustling streets of downtown Havana, dogs have been man’s best friend, adapting to various climates and cultures. In Australia, while we are familiar with breeds like the Labrador Retriever and the Australian Shepherd, there are numerous fascinating and unique dog breeds from around the world that are rare on this sunny continent. Let’s embark on a global tour to discover some of these international treasures, their rich histories, unique characteristics, and what makes them so special.


  1. Azawakh – The African Gazelle Hound

Originating from the Sahel zone in Africa, particularly around the desert regions of Mali, Niger, and Burkina Faso, the Azawakh is a sighthound breed that has been a companion of the nomadic Tuareg tribes for centuries. This breed is known for its elegant build and strikingly long legs, resembling a gazelle, which is an adaptation to the harsh desert climate of its homeland. Unlike many other sighthounds, the Azawakh is also known for its protective instincts and strong bond with its family, making it both a vigilant guardian and a loyal companion. Their rarity and distinct appearance make them a true exotic sight in Australia.


  1. Peruvian Inca Orchid – The Hairless Wonder

The Peruvian Inca Orchid is an ancient breed that can be traced back to the pre-Inca cultures of Peru, making it one of the oldest and most unique breeds in the world. Known for being hairless, this breed comes in three sizes: small, medium, and large, catering to various family needs. The skin of the Peruvian Inca Orchid can be a variety of colors, and they are known for their intelligence and affectionate nature. The lack of fur makes them a good choice for some allergy sufferers, but also means they require protection from the sun and cold.


  1. Thai Ridgeback – The Eastern Sentinel

The Thai Ridgeback is a breed with an imposing presence and a line of hair running along its back that grows in the opposite direction to the rest of its coat, forming the distinctive ‘ridge’. Originally bred in Thailand as a guard dog and a hunter, this breed is known for its independent nature and agility. Thai Ridgebacks are highly intelligent and loyal, but they can also be strong-willed, requiring consistent training and socialization. Their rarity outside of Thailand adds to their exotic allure.


  1. Xoloitzcuintli – The Mexican Hairless Dog

Often simply called “Xolo,” the Xoloitzcuintli is one of the most peculiar breeds due to its ancient origins and hairless body. Revered by the Aztecs and other pre-Columbian civilizations, Xolos were believed to be guides for the dead in the underworld. Today, these dogs are cherished for their loyalty and watchdog abilities. They come in three sizes and are known for their calm demeanor and intelligence. Their lack of hair makes them stand out in any crowd, not just for their appearance but also for their warm skin, which is said to provide therapeutic benefits.


  1. Norwegian Lundehund – The Puffin Hunter

Originating from the remote Lofoten Islands in Norway, the Norwegian Lundehund was bred to hunt puffins from steep cliff faces. This small, agile dog is equipped with several unique physical traits, including six toes on each foot, extremely flexible joints, and the ability to tip its head backward to touch its backbone. These adaptations helped it excel in navigating the narrow pathways of puffin nests. Though they are primarily companion dogs today, their rare physical traits and fascinating history continue to intrigue dog enthusiasts.


Each of these breeds not only adds diversity to the canine world but also brings with them stories of ancient cultures and civilizations, illustrating the deep bond between humans and dogs that transcends geographical and cultural barriers. While these breeds may be rare in Australia, their unique qualities and histories make them cherished members of the global canine family, each with a special role in their native lands and beyond.

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