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I Wish I Had Known…How to Facilitate a Safe and Enjoyable Dog Meet Up

When it comes to socialising our furry friends, dog playdates are an excellent way to ensure they learn ...
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Finding Balance: Managing Excessive Barking for a Peaceful Daycare Experience

At our daycare centre, we recognise that dogs use barking as a form of communication. However, it can ...
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Canine Hydration in Winter: Essential Tips for Keeping Your Dog Hydrated

As the brisk winter winds make their way in, it's not just the cold we need to guard ...
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Dog of the Month, July – Mimi

Miss Mimi has been with us for a couple years, and we have loved every moment with this ...
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Dog of the Month, June – Biscuit

This one has been a long time coming! Biscuit was a cheeky little pup who often tested just ...
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I Wish I Had Known…Why My Dog Licks Me

If you've ever been greeted by your dog with a flurry of enthusiastic licks, you've experienced one of ...
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The Importance of Professional Grooming for Dogs in Winter

The seasonal drop in temperature can often result in changes in pet care routines, owners opting for mentally ...
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The Healing Power of Pets: Can Dogs Sense and Improve Human Health?

In homes around the world, dogs are more than just pets; they are family members, confidants, and sometimes, ...
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I Wish I Had Known…The Benefits of Desexing in Winter

Winter presents an opportune time to schedule your pups desexing procedure. Desexing, also known as neutering or spaying, ...
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An Insider Look at the World of Competitive Dog Shows in Australia

Competitive dog shows, a fascinating showcase of canine pedigree and training excellence, are a major event in Australia, ...
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Canine Cognition: How Smart is Your Dog Really?

The intrigue surrounding canine intelligence is not just a modern fascination. For centuries, humans have pondered the depths ...
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Dog of the Month, May – Mister

Although he is one of our biggest doggos we have the pleasure of taking care of, Mister is ...
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I Wish I Had Known…What Are Our Furry Friends Dreaming About?

If you've ever watched your dog sleep, you've probably noticed the occasional twitching of their paws, slight movements ...
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How to Trace Your Dog’s Ancestry and What It Means for Your Pup

For many of us, our dogs are more than just pets; they are family members. But have you ...
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Caring for Dogs with Arthritis in the Cooler Months

When the temperature starts to drop and the evenings get chilly, you might notice your dog moving a ...
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Paddington Pups’ Attendance at the Orlando ODD Ball Conference

Last month, Paddington Pups took a leap forward in the doggy daycare industry, thanks to our adventurous owner, ...
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I Wish I Had Known…The Instinctive Drives in Different Dog Breeds: Understanding and Training Your Dog

Dogs come in a dazzling array of breeds, each with its own unique set of instinctive drives. These ...
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Honouring Military and Service Dogs this ANZAC Day

April brings with it a day of profound remembrance in Australia and New Zealand. Anzac Day, observed on ...
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Dog of the Month, April – Thai

We don't even know where to begin with our Mr Thai Boy. He has been with us for ...
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National Pet ID Week (April 17-24): The Importance of Microchipping!

As National Pet ID Week unfolds we are reminded about a simple yet integral act that can mean ...
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Paddington Pups’ Stall at Felon’s Great Artist Market!

This past weekend, Paddington Pups had our first appearance at Felon’s Great Artist Market! We had a bunch ...
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Beyond the Leash: Exploring the World of Dog-Powered Sports

The bond between a dog and its owner is one of the most enriching relationships fostered in the ...
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I Wish I Had Known….The Importance of a Chocolate Toxicity Calculator for Dog Owners

With Easter around the corner, homes are often filled with delicious chocolate treats. While delightful for humans, chocolate ...
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Introducing…The Dogs of Paddington Pups

At Paddington Pups, we're more than just a daycare for your beloved dogs - we're a community that ...
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Beyond Aggression: Understanding Canine Conflict Through Scaling Laws and Game Theory

Navigating the complex world of canine behaviour, especially aggression, requires an understanding that goes beyond traditional training methods. ...
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Dog of the Month, March – Spencer

Spence! It was a super easy choice in voting Spencer for Dog of the Month! He is an ...
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Dog of the Month, February – Noodles

Noodles is a quiet little man without a naughty bone in entire little fluffy body. He is always ...
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I Wish I Had Known…Essential Skills for Summer Emergencies

Summer brings longer days, warmer weather, and plenty of outdoor adventures, making it a wonderful time to create ...
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Cupid’s Canines: The Most Romantic Dog Breeds and Their Loving Traits

Valentine's Day isn't just for humans; it's a time to celebrate the unconditional love we receive from our ...
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Decoding Dog Food Labels: A Guide to Understanding What You’re Feeding Your Pup

Navigating the world of dog food can be a daunting task for pet owners, with shelves lined with ...
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Dog Training 101: Establishing Good Behaviour Early in the Year

The start of a new year presents an excellent opportunity to focus on fostering or enhancing good behaviour ...
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Dog of the Month, January – Maggie

Maggie boarded with us for a few weeks over Christmas and the new year and really solidified her ...
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Trick of the Month – Our Latest Playcare™ Edition!!

  Exciting News: Introducing Our New "Trick of the Month" Program! We're super excited to introduce a brand-new ...
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Paddington Pups’ 2023 Global Impacts Through B1G1!

  As we reflect on the year gone by, we at Paddington Pups are filled with gratitude. Not ...
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Discover the Top Dog-Friendly Beaches in Brisbane

  With its stunning coastline and sunny weather, Brisbane is a haven for dog lovers who enjoy spending ...
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Staying Hydrated: Keeping Your Dog Water-Wise in the Heat

As the mercury rises and the days grow longer, staying hydrated becomes crucial for dogs. Dogs need to ...
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I Wish I Had Known…How to Set Pet-Centric Goals (for 2024)!

As the new year rolls around, it's not just humans who can benefit from a set of resolutions. ...
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Barking up the Right Tree – November’s Questions Answered!

Q: Can I bring in my double coated breed for a walk in bath, brush and blow dry ...
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Holiday Banquet: What’s on and off the Table for Your Dog

  The holiday season brings with it multiple platters of delicious foods, but not everything on our festive ...
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I Wish I Had Known…How to Help my Dog Cope with Their Fear of Storms

Summer in Australia means a wet season that hosts many storms. Although these storms bring a welcome cool ...
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No More Forgotten Toys: Making Dog Christmas Gifts Count!

As the season of giving approaches, our homes often become a treasure trove of wrapped surprises. However, amidst ...
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The Gift of Giving: How Aussie Pet Owners Can Pay It Forward This Holiday Season

As the holiday season approaches, it's a time not only for receiving but also for giving. For pet ...
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Our Annual Paddington Pups Christmas Party, 2023!

Recently, we celebrated yet another Christmas party with our Paddington Pups team, this year venturing to a Paint ...
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Dog of the Month, December – Charlie

Known as Charlie Poo among the team, this crazy little man has certainly made his mark on Paddington ...
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Celebrating Our Achievement as Finalists in Abundance Global’s Bulletproof Business Awards 2023

We recently had the immense honour of being named finalists in the prestigious Abundance Global Bulletproof Business Awards ...
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Barking Up the Right Tree – October’s Questions Answered!

Q: What type of groom should I book for my dog? What are the differences between the types ...
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What Type of Groom Should I Book for My Dog?

Here at Paddington Pups, we offer 5 different types of grooms: Maintenance, Full, Style, Deshed and Puppy Cut. ...
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I Wish I Had Known…How to Handle Your Dog’s Summer Shedding

As we keenly welcome the warmer days in Australia, dog owners also brace for the flurry of fur—the ...
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The Mystery of Zoomies: Unravelling the Whirlwind of Canine Energy

Have you ever witnessed your tranquil, lounging dog suddenly burst into a frenzy of energy, tearing around the ...
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A Reminder to Check Your Dog for Lumps and Bumps: Dog Cancer Awareness Month

November marks a crucial period on our calendars, serving as Dog Cancer Awareness Month. It's a time dedicated ...
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Dog of the Month, November – Frankie

We have been lucky enough to have Frankie as part of the pack for the last 6 years! ...
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Barking Up the Right Tree – September’s QnAs!

Q: Will you teach the dogs any tricks/commands while they are with you? A: We are not a ...
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I Wish I Had Known…Why My Dog Looks and Barks at Things That ‘Aren’t There’ 👻

In the dusky glow of a flickering candle, when shadows dance across the walls and the wind howls ...
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Dog of the Month, October – Miyagi

We have spent two beautiful years with Miyagi thus far and have loved every minute of getting to ...
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Taking the Horror out of Halloween for Your Dog

Although Halloween’s spooky decorations, dress-ups and other antics are exciting and enjoyable for us, these things can be ...
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Black Dog Adoption Day: Breaking the Superstition

  Superstitions have always been a part of human history, deeply influencing cultures and behaviours worldwide. From breaking ...
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Paddington Pups Celebrates Outstanding Win in the 2023 Australian Achiever Awards

  We are both honoured and thrilled to announce that Paddington Pups has been recognised with an outstanding ...
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I Wish I Had Known – How to choose the right food for your dog

As a dog owner, providing your pup with the best possible nutrition is one of the most important ...
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Deworming: A Crucial Step in Ensuring Your Dog’s Health

Deworming your dog is a necessary part of responsible pet ownership. Yet, according to a recent study, an ...
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Your Dog Road Trip Guide for the School Holidays

As the school holidays get closer, you and your pup may be planning a road trip to visit ...
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Celebrating Therapy Dog Awareness Month!

September is upon us, and while many associate it with the onset of spring or school holidays, there’s ...
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Dog of the Month, September – Ellie

Ellie (more affectionately known as Ellie Belly among the team) is the perfect mix of pocket rocket and ...
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Barking Up The Right Tree – August’s Questions Answered!

Q: How do you introduce new dogs to the other pups? A: Slowly and without pressure! Generally when ...
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Barking up the Right Tree – July’s QnAs!

Q: My dog can only eat certain foods because of his allergies, would he still be able to ...
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Dog of the Month, August – Bobby Jones

  Bobby-J has been attending Paddington Pups since 2017, meaning we’ve had nearly 6 years with this lovely ...
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Safeguarding Your Pet’s Health: The Crucial Role of Pet Insurance

The joy and companionship that pets bring into our lives are invaluable, and as pet parents, it is ...
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Victoria Leads the Pack: Australia’s First Pet Census to Shape the Future of Animal Welfare

Victoria is taking a ground-breaking step in the field of animal welfare by initiating Australia's inaugural Pet Census. ...
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I Wish I Had Known… How to Address Pain in Our Furry Friends

As pet owners, one of our most crucial responsibilities is understanding the potential types of pain our pets ...
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Understanding Seasonal Allergies in Dogs and How to Manage Them

As the seasons change and nature awakens, many of us eagerly embrace the blooming flowers and vibrant landscapes. ...
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Barking up the Right Tree – June QnA

Q: If I want to board my 2 dogs for 10 nights, will I have to purchase 2x ...
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Winter Nutrition – Keeping Your Dog Healthy in Winter

As the winter season takes hold, it's important to provide your furry companions with the nourishment they need ...
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Winter Wellness: Tips to Keep Your Pup Warm, Dry, and Safe

As the chill of winter sets in, it's important to ensure the well-being of our pups! Dogs, like ...
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I Wish I Had Known – Embracing the Warmth Within: How Dogs Can Lift Our Spirits During Winter

As the colder months settle in, it's not uncommon to experience the winter blues or a general sense ...
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Dog of the Month, July – Douglas

Dougie! What a deserving little man for Dog of the Month! Douglas is one of the sweetest pups ...
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The Importance of Winter Grooming for Your Dog

As the temperature drops and winter settles in, it's tempting to ease off on your dog's grooming routine. ...
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Celebrating the Indigenous Connection: Dogs in Aboriginal Culture during NAIDOC Week

As we commemorate NAIDOC Week, a time to honour and celebrate the history, culture, and achievements of Aboriginal ...
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I Wish I Had Known…The Energizing Benefits of Sniff-Walks for Dogs

  Did you know that tapping into your dog's incredible sense of smell can be a great way ...
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Barking up the Right Tree: Client QnA

We have recently been putting up an ‘Ask Us Anything’ story on our socials to give our wonderful ...
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Keeping Your Pup Physically and Mentally Active in the Winter Months

  As the weather starts to cool down, it's easy to want to stay in bed and snuggle ...
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Why enrolling your dog in daycare can benefit both you and your pup!

  Enrolling your dog in daycare can bring a host of benefits for both you and your pup. ...
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Dog of the Month, June – Martell

Martell is easily one of the sweetest, most gentle souls we have at daycare. He is always so ...
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National Desexing Month – JULY

National Desexing Month is an important initiative that advocates for the desexing of pets, with a special focus ...
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Dog of the Month, May – Mia

Mia Mia the Beaglier! Right from her first days at Paddington Pups, Mia has been the sweetest lil ...
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The Benefits of Hydrobathing for Your Dog

As dog owners, we all want to keep our furry friends clean and healthy. Regular bathing is an ...
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Star Wars Day (May the 4th)!

May the Fourth Be With You! 🌟 We had a great day of Star Wars themed fun last ...
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I Wish I Had Known – The importance of Early Socialisation

Socialising your puppy during their critical socialisation period is one of the most important things you can do ...
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Mother’s Day at Paddington Pups!

The team at Paddington Pups would like to wish all the mums and dog-mums alike a very Happy ...
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The Importance of Regular Vet Check-ups for your Dog

Here at Paddington Pups, we often recommend seeking the advice of a vet to ensure the optimal health ...
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B1G1 Towel Drive

We have decided to continue our giving journey with B1G1 by running a towel drive to both repurpose ...
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10,000 Impacts With B1G1!

We’re absolutely thrilled to announce that we have recently surpassed our milestone of 10,000 impacts through B1G1! Our ...
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Dog of the Month, April – Poppy

Our sweet Poppy has come so far in the past year! She has gone from being a little ...
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The Role of Dogs in the ANZACs: A Look at Their Contributions During World War I

Dogs have been used in warfare for centuries. The ANZACs (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) were among ...
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I wish I had known…There is a chocolate toxicity calculator for dogs

Did you know there is a chocolate toxicity calculator that can tell you whether your pet has ingested ...
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Canine Hot Spots

What are hot spots? Hot spots are skin lesions that are red, itchy, moist, and often oozy or ...
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Dental Hygiene for Dogs: Why Regular Dental Care Is Crucial for Your Dog’s Health

Have you ever thought about the importance of dental health in your dog? If not, it's time to ...
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Easter at Paddington Pups!

Easter is nearly upon us and here at Paddington Pups we will be celebrating with the pups all ...
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Dog of the Month, March – Charlotte

Also known as our 'little loaf of bread', Charlotte has truly stolen the hearts of the team with ...
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Beer for Dogs!

If you're planning to celebrate St Patrick's day on the 17th March, why not let your dog have ...
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I Wish I Had Known…Paw print arts and crafts can assist in your pup sitting calmly to have their nails trimmed!

Did you know that involving your pup in paw print arts and crafts can have positive effects on ...
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Reinforcing Daycare Behaviours at Home

Doggy Daycare can be an excellent way to socialise and stimulate your pup however, there are certain behaviours ...
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Search and Rescue Dogs Helping to Find Earthquake Survivors in Turkey

In the current earthquake crises in Turkey and Syria, dogs are playing a crucial role in search and ...
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Why Off-Leash Dog Parks Aren’t Always the Best Place to Socialise Your Dog

Dog parks are a popular option for dog owners looking to socialise their pets, but they aren't always ...
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International Women’s Day 2023

Today is International Women’s Day, a day to celebrate the achievements of women and promote gender equality. International ...
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Protecting Your Dog from Intestinal Worms and Parasites

Protecting your dog from intestinal worms and other parasites is an important part of preventive healthcare to keep ...
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Paddington Pups is a FINALIST in the 2023 Australian Small Business Champion Awards!

We are thrilled to announce that Paddington Pups has been recognised as a finalist in the 2023 Australian ...
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Dog of the Month, February – Cherry

Nothing makes us smile like seeing Cherry tippy tap into daycare in the morning. Often serenaded by tunes ...
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Love Letter from a Dog Boarding and Daycare Owner

*This love letter, while written by an unknown author, speaks so many truths that ring close to our ...
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Understanding Your Dog’s Love Language: 5 Signs that your dog loves you

We all know that dogs are loyal and loving companions, but did you know that they have their ...
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How The Love For Our Dogs Can Rewire Our Brains For Happiness

Most of us know how much joy our furry friends can bring to our lives, but did you ...
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Valentine’s Day at Paddington Pups! 🌹

Love is in the air at Paddington Pups! On February 13th and 14th we will have our Playcare™ ...
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Dog of the Month, January – Baxter

The team love seeing Baxter happily bounce into reception in the morning. He is an absolute pleasure in ...
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Dress Up Your Pet Day Winner!

Last Friday, 13th January, we held a dress up day as part of National Dress Up Your Pet ...
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I Wish I Had Known….Coconut oil can be used on your dog’s coat 🥥

Did you know that coconut oil can be used to improve your dog’s skin and coat? Whether your ...
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Paddington Pups – Year in Review

Hello 2023! Happy New Year! Another year has passed at Paddington Pups so we thought it would be ...
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Paddington Pups’ Positive Global Impacts Through B1G1

Last year we committed to our journey of giving to worldwide projects that facilitate positive impacts in all ...
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Teaching Your Dog to Swim: How Swimming Can Benefit Your Dog

With Summer in full force and many people still on holiday, there’s no better time to teach your ...
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Dress Up Your Pet Day – January 2023

Saturday, 14th January is National Dress Up Your Pet Day. As it falls on a weekend this year, ...
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Dog of the Month, December – Fenton

There is nothing quite as sweet as being serenaded as soon as this gorgeous boy walks through the ...
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I Wish I Had Known…Dogs can eat summer fruits! 🍉

Did you know that it’s safe for dogs to eat summer fruits?   In the heat of the ...
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10 Fun Things to Do with Your Dog During the Holiday Season

The festive season is upon us and the summer holidays are the perfect time to have some fun ...
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B1G1 Giving Paws

This year we will be raising funds through our ‘Giving Paws’ to help feed hungry street dogs overseas ...
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Christmas in Playcare™ 🎄

Another special time of year means more special Playcare™ crafts and activities! For the whole month of December, ...
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Dog First Aid Course

The Paddington Pups team recently completed a dog first aid course through Positive Response Dog Training where we ...
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Paddington Pups Gift Cards – the perfect Christmas gift for loved ones (and their pup!)

Stuck on what to get a loved one for Christmas? We have E-gift cards available for purchase on ...
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Paddington Pups are Award Winners!!

Abundance Global Black Tie Gala Awards Night We are thrilled to announce that Paddington Pups were nominated as ...
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Dog of the Month, November – Max

Max the Cocker Spaniel has certainly stolen the hearts of the Paddington Pups Team and become such an ...
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Does Your Pup Seem Sick?

Has your dog been vomiting, having diarrhea at home or showing signs of unusual fatigue? If your pup ...
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The Truth About Bones: The Benefits and Risks of Feeding Them to Your Dog

Dogs have an innate urge to chew things, and one of their favourite things to chew is bones. ...
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Grooming and Walk-In Services: What You Need To Know

Grooming bookings now online As most of you may be aware, we have recently adopted an online system ...
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I Wish I Had Known! Pumpkin is good for dogs 🎃

This month we have introduced a new feature on the blog called ‘I wish I had known!’ There ...
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How to Keep your Dog Cool in Summer and Prevent Heatstroke

Summer is here and with glorious days and extended daylight it’s a great time to soak up the ...
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Dog of the Month, October – Odin

The team lights up when sweet Odin walks in the front door. He is a great help in ...
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Paddington Pups is a FINALIST in the 2022 Australian Women’s Small Business Champion Awards!

We are thrilled to announce that Paddington Pups has been recognised as a finalist in the inaugural 2022 Australian Women's ...
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Paddington Pups Annual Halloween Costume Competition & Photos

🎃 Spooky season is here!!! 🎃 Halloween at Paddington Pups has begun and we are so excited to ...
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Spooky Additions to Playcare™

The Halloween fun doesn’t just stop at dress-ups and ghoulish photos at Paddington Pups! From the 17th to ...
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Halloween Fun: 5 Ideas for a Spooktacular Halloween with your Pup

Halloween is our absolute favourite holiday of the year here at Paddington Pups and we love being able ...
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Grooming Corner: Advice on Keeping Your Dog Matt Free

Matting (also known as knots) refers to the densely tangled areas of fur on a dog’s coat. Matts ...
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Dog of the Month, September – Bella

Bella the Staffy is a favourite of the dogs and team alike. As soon as she gets out ...
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National Black Dog Day – 1st October 2022

National Black Dog Day is an annual event held on the 1st October to raise awareness of the ...
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Tick Awareness Month: Protecting Your Dog From the Dangers of Paralysis Ticks

September is National Tick Awareness Month which aims to raise awareness about the dangers of paralysis ticks for ...
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Playcare™ is Booming! An Update on Our Specialised Interaction Playgroup for Dogs

Playcare™ has grown and evolved immensely since its’ launch back in January of this year and we couldn’t ...
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Dog of the Month, August 2022 – Frank

Frank, more affectionately known as 'Fronk' to staff and customers alike, is a big softie with a heart ...
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Celebrating National Dog Day 2022

Friday 26th August is National Dog Day, a special day for all dogs and dog lovers. Celebrated annually, ...
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Our Pawsitive Impact: Update On Our Giving Program

Paddington Pups is on a mission to make a positive impact, not just in our community, but globally ...
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Holland Becomes the First Country Without Street Dogs

In 2016, Holland became the first country in the world to eradicate dog homelessness. The Dutch people love ...
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The Benefits of Dogs in Aged Care Homes

Dogs have been used as therapy animals for centuries. They can provide comfort and companionship for people who ...
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Abandoned Puppy is Rescued by Marathon Runner who Carries Him to the Finish Line

Anyone who has ever run a marathon or any kind of long-distance endurance event will know how incredibly ...
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Dog of the Month, July 2022 – Max

Max definitely knows his way around Paddington Pups, no matter how busy the team is when he arrives ...
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3 Ways to Celebrate Christmas in July With Your Dog

Can’t wait another 6 months for Christmas? Why not celebrate Christmas in July! Let’s face it, any excuse ...
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What Makes a Dog Dangerous: The Truth Behind ‘Dangerous Breeds’

When we think of a dangerous dog, images of a ferocious wolf or a large breed dog of ...
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Arthritis in Dogs – 4 Ways to Keep Your Dog Warm in Winter and Prevent Arthritis

When the weather is cold, keeping your dog warm becomes a priority. (Click here to watch our footage ...
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Dog of the Month, June 2022 – Mr Chips

Although Mr Chips is a relatively new addition to Paddington Pups, he is very deserving of June's Dog ...
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How to Prepare For ‘Take Your Dog to Work Day’!

June 24th is National Take Your Dog to Work Day, an annual event that encourages businesses to allow ...
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Separation Anxiety in Dogs – How To Help Your Pup Overcome Their Fear of Being Alone

Separation anxiety is a common behavioural problem in dogs that can be challenging to manage. It can be ...
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7 Winter Dog Grooming Tips to Keep Your Pup Happy, Healthy and Looking Their Best

Just because winter is here, does not mean you should stop grooming your dog or caring for their ...
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Dog of the Month, May 2022 – Barry

Barry is the Paddington Pups team's ray of sunshine! There's never a dull day when Barry is around, ...
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Paw and Order – A Victory for Pet Owners in NSW to Keep Pets in Apartments

Ever wondered what the rules are for having pets in an apartment? For many people who are opting ...
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How to Handle Dog Attacks on a Walk: A Guide for You and Your Pooch

Dog attacks can happen anywhere, at any time. They might happen in a secluded park, in front of ...
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Dog of the Month, April 2022 – Huey

We have all developed such an amazing connection to little Huey! Huey was once too anxious to walk ...
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Pups and the Pandemic: How Lockdowns Have Affected Our Dogs

The Covid-19 pandemic has made a huge impact on all of our lives and for many of us, ...
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Can Doggy Daycare Help Your Dog to Become Well Socialised?

Doggy Daycare is a great way to give your pup a day out.  However, is having your pup ...
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Why Chocolate is Bad for Dogs: What You Need To Know

Easter is a fun (and delicious!) holiday for you and your human family but there are some things ...
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Dog of the Month, March 2022 – Newton

We absolutely adore having Newton in daycare at Paddington Pups. He showers us with LOTS and LOTS of ...
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Paddington Pups and the Brisbane Floods

Well, what a month February and March have been for everyone here in Queensland. Many of us experienced ...
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Paddington Pups Is Making A Positive Impact Globally

Paddington Pups is intent on making a positive impact during 2022, not just in our community, but globally ...
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Keeping Your Dog Safe During Floods and Extreme Weather Events

As a pet owner, it’s important to have a plan in place when faced with an extreme weather ...
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The Dangers of Drinking Contaminated Water – Giadia and Gastrointeritus in Dogs Explained

The recent floods have highlighted the dangers of dogs drinking contaminated water. This can be extremely dangerous for ...
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Dog of the Month, February 2022 – Kip

As soon as we see Kip and his Mum pull up in the driveway, the team all rush ...
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Valentines Day and Pets

Valentine’s Day is a time to celebrate all things love and romance and often involves giving and receiving ...
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The Top 5 Reasons Why Dogs and Humans Share Such a Special Bond

There are many reasons why humans and dogs share such a special bond. Dogs have been man’s best ...
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Dog of the Month, December 2021 – Grace Rowling

Gracie Rowling is one of those dogs whose heart is made of pure gold. You can often find ...
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Teaching Your Puppy To Swim

Swimming is wonderful exercise for dogs, just like it is for humans, and it can help keep them ...
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Heatstroke – Keeping Your Dog Safe in Summer

Summer is still in full force in South-East Queensland and with extended daylight and lots of sunshine, it ...
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So You’ve Just Got a New Puppy

Happiness is a warm puppy, it says in Peanuts, and so of course, it is and should be. ...
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Dog of the Month, November 2021 – Toby

Mr Toby Hann has been coming to us since 2013, and it has sure been a treat for ...
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Introducing Doggy Playcare™: High Level Interaction Playgroup for Dogs

Doggy Playcare™ is coming to Paddington Pups and we are SO EXCITED to be able to offer this ...
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How to have a dog-friendly Christmas – 5 Tips for keeping your dog safe and healthy over the holidays

Christmas is a favourite time of year for many of us. With the fun of the holidays, also ...
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Getting Your Pooch Ready For The Fireworks This Season

This time of year brings lots of festivities such as Christmas carols and New Year’s Eve celebrations that ...
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Are Bones Safe For Dogs?

We know for sure that dogs love to chew on bones. It makes them happy, relieves boredom and ...
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Dog of the Month, October 2021 – Atticus

This sweet boy has been gracing us with his presence ever since 2018! He is a very handsome ...
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Boarding Your Dog at Paddington Pups – Why Choose Us?

When holiday times approach, emergency situations arise, or if you just want to head out for the night ...
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New Food in Stock – Balanced Life

Here at Paddington Pups there is nothing more important to us than your dog’s health and wellbeing. Food ...
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Riding in Cars with Dogs

Planning a road trip with your family and four-legged friend over the holiday break? To ensure a safe ...
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Dog of the Month, September 2021 – Winston

One of the most charming boys we have ever had the pleasure of looking after, Winston brightens our ...
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Are Dogs Ticklish?

Have you ever wondered if dogs are ticklish? We know that dogs love a good old itch and ...
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Has my dog been bitten by a snake?

With Spring mating season underway, snakes are becoming more active and the warmer weather is starting to draw ...
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Dog of the Month, August 2021 – Tali

A lot of you may recognise the famous Tali, as she can usually be found sitting on the ...
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The Benefits of Owning a Dog: Amazing Ways Dogs Can Improve Your Quality of Life

If you are a pet owner, you probably already know the incredible value of having a loyal companion ...
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RSPCA Cupcake Day @ Paddington Pups

Last month, our customers raised an amazing $360 for RSPCA Cupcake Day which helps fight against animal cruelty. ...
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Dog of the Month, July 2021 – Eris

The elegant and beautiful Eris has been gracing us with her presence since she was a puppy in ...
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Fun Activities To Do With Your Dog During Lockdown

Lately with all the lockdowns and restrictions in place, we’ve been spending a lot more time indoors. A ...
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Depression in Dogs

Did you know that like humans, dogs can occasionally suffer from bouts of depression? If your usually cheerful ...
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Dog of the Month June 2021 – Baird

Baird has been an exceptionally good boy this year. He has been very patient when it comes to ...
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Dog Beds and Play Gyms

Did you know how much thought and care has gone into the specific equipment we have chosen for ...
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Grooming Tips for Winter

Just because winter is here, does not mean you should stop caring for your dog’s coat. It is ...
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Dog of the Month, May 2021 – Alfie

Alfie is a gentle, loving soul whom we all adore.   He loves to bask in the sun ...
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Paddington Pups Team Update

Our General Manager is having a baby! You may have noticed our Manager Daizie is pregnant. That's right, ...
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Keeping your Dog Warm in Winter

Now that Winter is almost upon us and the evenings are getting cooler, most of us are rediscovering ...
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Can Dogs Learn to Talk?

We all talk to our dogs but have you ever wondered if you could teach your dog to ...
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Making Life More Enjoyable for an Ageing Dog

An older dog can lead a happy and fulfilling life but it’s up to you to make the ...
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Dog Behaviour

As your dog's daytime carers, we have a responsibility to ensure we notify you of any issues that ...
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What is Canine Cough?

Canine Cough (also known as Kennel cough) is a contagious infection that affects the trachea (windpipe) and bronchi ...
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Food for thought – grains and dogs

As domesticated animals, there’s a lot that we can learn about dogs based on their ancestral cousin, the ...
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Raw food diets

Raw food diets have always been a standard for working dogs, but lately, the trend has become popular ...
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New year, new addition to your pack?

Sadly, as people start to get back into their daily routines after the holidays, the strain on Animal ...
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Celebrating dog birthdays

Our Fur Children’s birthdays deserve celebrating just as much as our own and at Paddington Pups we are ...
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Understanding fleas

As most pet owners are aware, flea infestations are quite a nuisance. They are capable of causing a ...
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Dog coats and pyjamas

Winter is here and Paddington Pups has got your dog’s back, literally. We have stocked up with dog ...
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Boarding – why choose Paddington Pups?

We have been offering our boarding service for a little over three years now, and this relatively new ...
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Getting the most of your doggy daycare experience

At Paddington Pups we want to ensure that your dog and you have the best experience possible with ...
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Let’s talk anal (glands)

Dogs such amazing, loving and smelly creatures. Smelly doesn’t even begin to describe what anal glands are. They ...
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Happy, healthy dogs – Thundershirts

With Summer storm season still on us, some of our furry family members can get quite stressed out. ...
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Paddington Pups – possible champions once again

For the past three years, Paddington Pups has entered in one of the most prestigious small business competitions ...
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How to correctly use a clicker or marker

Have you ever been flicking through Facebook and have come across a video of a dog riding a ...
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Keeping your dog matt free

Matts, knots, tangles, whatever you want to call them, they are an annoyance. Matts can be painful for ...
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