Winter Nutrition – Keeping Your Dog Healthy in Winter

07 July 2023

As the winter season takes hold, it’s important to provide your furry companions with the nourishment they need to stay healthy and vibrant. Dogs have unique nutritional requirements that may vary with the changing weather. Let’s delve into some key considerations to keep in mind for winter nutrition and help your canine friend thrive during the colder months.


Adjusting Caloric Intake:

During winter, dogs may benefit from a slightly higher calorie intake to maintain their body temperature and energy levels. However, it’s crucial to monitor their weight and adjust their food portions accordingly. Collaborate with your veterinarian to determine the appropriate calorie intake based on your dog’s size, breed, age, and activity level.


Quality Protein:

Protein is a vital building block for your dog’s muscles and overall health. Prioritize high-quality protein sources, such as lean meats, fish, or poultry, in their meals. Protein-rich diets support their immune system, preserve muscle mass, and promote healthy skin and coat.


Essential Fatty Acids:

Winter weather can be harsh on your dog’s skin and coat. Include foods rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, such as fish oil or flaxseed, to nourish their skin, alleviate dryness and itchiness, and maintain a glossy coat. These fatty acids also possess anti-inflammatory properties and contribute to joint health.

Hydration Matters:

While it may be less noticeable, hydration remains crucial during winter, just as in warmer months. Dogs may be less inclined to drink water when it’s cold, so ensure they have access to fresh water at all times. Consider slightly warming their water or providing lukewarm broths or soups to encourage hydration.


Winter Superfoods:

Certain foods offer additional benefits during winter. Incorporate nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables into your dog’s diet, such as sweet potatoes, pumpkin, carrots, and berries. These superfoods provide essential vitamins, antioxidants, and fibre, supporting their immune system and overall well-being.


Consistency and Routine:

Maintaining a consistent feeding schedule and portion sizes is essential to avoid overfeeding or underfeeding. Regular mealtimes provide stability and help regulate their digestive system. If you’re considering dietary changes, consult with your veterinarian to ensure a seamless transition.



Remember, each dog is unique, and their nutritional needs may vary. Factors like age, breed, size, and any underlying health conditions should be considered when determining the best winter diet for your furry friend. Seeking guidance from your veterinarian is always recommended to tailor their nutrition to their specific requirements. At our daycare, we use high quality dog food for those boarding as well as those who wish to purchase lunch. We use hypoallergenic, all-natural and

holistic kibble and wet food to ensure all the pups in our care receive the nutrients they need. If you would prefer to supply your own food for your dog’s lunch or boarding meals, we are also more than

happy to facilitate that instead!


As winter settles in, let’s prioritize their nutrition, ensuring their warmth, health, and happiness. With the right combination of quality ingredients, appropriate portions, and a dash of love, you can provide your pup with the optimal nutrition they need to thrive throughout the chilly season.

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