Finding Balance: Managing Excessive Barking for a Peaceful Daycare Experience

20 July 2024

At our daycare centre, we recognise that dogs use barking as a form of communication. However, it can be surprising to hear that your dog has been exhibiting excessive barking at daycare, especially if they rarely bark at home. It’s important to remember that daycare can be a new and stimulating environment, which may result in unusual behaviour. Understanding this, let’s explore strategies to address excessive barking both at home and during daycare, ensuring a peaceful and enjoyable experience for your pup.


At Home:

To tackle excessive barking at home, consider the following tips:

Positive Command Reinforcement: When your pup starts barking, calmly and firmly use a command like “quiet.” Reward them with praise, treats, or a favourite toy when they stop barking. Consistency and positive reinforcement will help them understand the desired behaviour. Timing when treating for the quiet command is critical otherwise your dog can associate barking with treats so be sure to make sure your dog has been quiet for roughly 10 seconds or more.


Energise and Engage: Engaging your pup in physical and mental activities can reduce excessive barking. Prioritise regular exercise, such as walks or playtime, to help them burn off energy. Introducing brain-stimulating activities, like puzzle toys or scent games, can also help redirect their focus and minimize barking.


Gradual Departures: If your pup tends to bark when you leave the house, practice gradual departures. Begin by stepping out for short periods while remaining within earshot. If they start barking, use the “quiet” command and reward them when they stop. Gradually increase the duration of your absence to help them develop a sense of security and calmness.


At Daycare:

Our daycare environment can be exciting and stimulating for dogs, which may contribute to excessive barking. Here’s how we can work together to address it:


Understanding the New Environment: Unusual behaviour, including excessive barking, can be a result of the novel experiences and increased activity at daycare. Give your pup time to acclimate to this new environment, and remember that their behaviour may differ from what you observe at home.


Open Communication: If your dog exhibits excessive barking at daycare, we’ll provide feedback and insights into their behaviour. Sharing specific triggers, patterns, and any training techniques you use at home helps us develop a consistent approach to managing excessive barking in both settings.


Consistent Training Approach: By incorporating your training methods into our daycare routine, we can reinforce desired behaviours. Let us know about any specific commands, gestures, or routines you’ve established at home, as this consistency enhances your pup’s ability to understand and follow commands at daycare.




By addressing excessive barking together, we can create a harmonious and enjoyable daycare experience for all pups. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we strive to maintain a peaceful and positive atmosphere throughout the day. With patience, consistency, and effective communication, we can help your pup thrive and feel at ease in our stimulating daycare setting.

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