Our (Paws-itive) Impact

Paddington Pups Is Making A Positive (Paws-itive) Impact Globally

These days, a lot of our conversations are about environmentalism and sustainability. It’s not hard to see why. Plastic is now the most common form of pollution on Earth, with an estimated 100 million metric tons of it littering oceans and landfills every year. The consequences are staggering: plastic is killing marine life, clogging our water sources, and littering our streets and effecting our wildlife and don’t even get me started on humanitarian issues.
Paddington Pups knows that it’s time for change but how? So with the simple idea: “What if everything we do in our business could make a positive difference, just by doing what we already love doing?”

So in the beginning of 2022 to start the year off to a positive note we teamed up with B1G1 an organisation designed to break down contributions into small quantifiable impacts that make a positive difference across the world. One small increment at a time, together, these micro-impacts create a real change in our world.

So What Exactly is B1G1?

B1G1 is a programme founded on the idea that we need to make micro-impacts to make a difference. The programme has been set up to create a platform for global change.
B1G1 was founded in 2007 with a mission to Create a World Full of Giving. Since then, it has created over 270 million giving impacts in partnership with over 400 projects globally.

How does B1G1 work?

B1G1 helps people do great things. They work with organisations and individuals to break down contributions into small quantifiable impacts that make a positive difference across the world. One small increment at a time, together, these micro-impacts create a real change in our world.

The process is simple: they take Paddington Pup’s contributions and consolidate them together with all other contributions so it can be given to Worthy Causes and projects who need it the most across the globe. This means you can see exactly where each contribution we make is going and how much of an impact it’s making on the ground. B1G1 doesn’t just want to help us find a charity – they want to help us to make a difference with small action we do to trigger a positive reaction elsewhere in the world.

Paddington Pups is proud to announce our partnership with B1G1.

B1G1 is an organisation designed to break down contributions into small quantifiable impacts that make a positive difference across the world. One small increment at a time, together, these micro-impacts create a real change in our world. So how does this work? We are linking all of our major in store purchases to actions taken that have an equal and positive reaction.
So for example every positive review we receive Paddington Pups will donate 1 nutritious meal to a street dog in need. This means that every review, or daycare package bought, or dog groom done by us, also equals one good deed performed by B1G1 somewhere across the world!

What are the immediate benefits of Paddington Pups’ participation with B1G1?

By partnering with B1G1, we were able to give back to the planet in a way that felt natural for us. So what does all that actually mean? Well in real time you can see here the donations and contributions made by Paddington Pups globally.

That’s not all though we are a part of a global community and as a part of that global initiative the impacts have been massive.

All these little changes add up to make a huge difference and we are super proud to be a part of it!

Paddington Pups is proud to be a leading example of a company that is making a positive impact in the world. Together with your help we are transforming the lives of the dogs we serve, you our loyal customers and our team members, and we get to make a difference in world day by day and help improve the lives of animals around the world.

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