Doggy Daycare
Single Day
- No booking required
5 Day Pack
- Upon purchase, you will feed a hungry and malnourished street dog in India through our giving program
- Pre-purchased
- Valid for 12 months from purchase
Most Popular
10 Day Pack
- Upon purchase, you will provide medicine for an injured street dog in Nepal through our giving program
- Pre-purchased
- Valid for 12 months from purchase
20 Day Pack
- Upon purchase, you will provide veterinary access for a sick dog in Nepal through our giving program
- Pre-purchased
- Valid for 12 months from purchase
Single Day
- No booking required
5 Day Pack
- Upon purchase, you will feed a hungry and malnourished street dog in India through our giving program
- Pre-purchased
- Valid for 12 months from purchase
Most Popular
10 Day Pack
- Upon purchase, you will provide medicine for an injured street dog in Nepal through our giving program
- Pre-purchased
- Valid for 12 months from purchase
$115 full groom
- $96 Maintenance groom
- $145 Style groom
- $115 Deshed
- Under 10kg
Small Dog
$125 full groom
- $105 Maintenance groom
- $162 Style groom
- $125 Deshed
- 10-15kg
Medium Dog
$140 full groom
- $120 Maintenance groom
- $185 Style groom
- $140 Deshed
- 15-20kg
Large Dog
$187 full groom
- $144 Maintenance groom
- $264 Style groom
- $187 Deshed
- 20-30kg
Extra-large Dog
$208+ full groom
- $153+ Maint. groom
- $288+ Style groom
- $208+ Deshed
- 30+kg
Guaranteed completion by 11am. Dog must be in store by 7.30am.
Until 7pm at latest. All dogs must be desexed, vaccinated and have successfully passed a temperament test to be considered for stay and play.
For difficult dogs. We'll contact you to discuss if necessary.
Applied for heavily matted dogs.
Grooming Combos
Double Coated Breeds: Due to the specialized care needed for double-coated breeds, we require pre-booked maintenance grooming appointments for these dogs. Walk-in services are not available for these breeds
Small Dog
- Under 10kg
Medium Dog
- 10-20kg
Large Dog
- 20-30kg
Extra-large Dog
- 30+kg
5 Night Boarding Pack
- Upon purchase, you will Spread awareness on proper animal care in Nepal through our giving program
- Valid for 12 Months
Most Popular
10 Night Boarding Pack
- Upon purchase, you will vaccinate a street dog against rabies in Nepal through our giving program
- Valid for 12 Months
15 Night Boarding Pack
- Upon purchase, you will vaccinate a dog against rabies in India through our giving program
- Valid for 12 Months
20 Night Boarding Pack
- Upon purchase, you will help a dog suffering from skin disease in Nepal through our giving program
- Valid for 12 Months
Walk in Services
*Available between 9am - 2pm
Double Coated Breeds: Due to the specialized care needed for double-coated breeds, we require pre-booked maintenance grooming appointments for these dogs. Walk-in services are not available for these breeds.
Bath Only
Everyday Bath
- No bookings required*
Best Value
10 Bath Pack
- Valid 12 months
- Prepaid
Sensitive or Flea Bath
- No booking required*
Malaseb Bath
- No booking required*
Blow-dry Only
Small Dog
- No bookings required*
- Under 10kg
Medium Dog
- No bookings required*
- 10-20kg
Large Dog
- No bookings required*
- 20-30kg
Extra-large Dog
- No bookings required*
- 30+kg
Something Extra
+$10 for file
All extras listed above
* Walk in services available 9am - 2pm
Double Coated Breeds: Due to the specialized care needed for double-coated breeds, we require pre-booked maintenance grooming appointments for these dogs. Walk-in services are not available for these breeds.